iBOL6 – 6th International Barcode of Life Conference
For the 6th time now last week (August 17 to 22 in 2015) experts came together from over 60 countries in order to learn about DNA barcoding and to present their results. Nearly 600 participants traveled to Guelph in Canada, and were very pleased with an excellently organized meeting on the campus of the University of Guelph (http://dnabarcodes2015.org). In seven parallel sessions all conceivable aspects and present and future applications of DNA barcoding were discussed and brought new alliances and project ideas on the way. GBOL was represented by Prof. Wägele and Dr. Geiger and videos of the presentations of the guest speakers are available on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/uofguelph). In addition, there are numerous impressions and feedback on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hashtag/dnabarcodes2015) to individual presentations.