The 7th international barcode of life conference in Trondheim
created on: 26.06.2019 | by: Vera Rduch
The 7th international barcode of life conference took place in the beautiful city of Trondheim in Norway last week. More than 450 participants from all over the world assembled near the polar circle, where at this time of the year the sun goes down only for a few hours and it never gets completely dark. Also several colleagues from the GBOL consortium participated in the conference and presented their results and GBOL. Like in past iBOL conferences the scientific program was very divers and covered multiple topics around barcoding, metabarcoding, eDNA, iDNA, eRNA and kin. Great social events involving a concert in the Nidaros cathedral or the mood during the summer-midnight enhanced the exchange between the scientists. We are looking forward to the next iBOL conference in Costa Rica.

The GBOL-Team from the ZFMK visited the colleagues in Stuttgart
created on: 21.03.2019 | by: Vera Rduch
Yesterday, we had a look at how the team of Prof. Dr. Lars Krogmann at SMNS perfoms size fractioning of insects caught by Malaise traps. We thank all colleagues involved for the great day with a good exchange of ideas and thoughts about research and assessment of hyperdiverse insect groups!

Biosyst.EU 2017 conference in Gothenburg: 15.-18. August 2017
created on: 22.08.2017 | by: Matthias Geiger
For the third time, more than 100 scientists from all over the world came to attend the “Biosyst.EU” conference format for all kinds of organism groups. There were lectures and discussions on various aspects of biological systematics and diversity, covering everything from fungi, plants, algae, insects, automatic image recognition methods and new teaching formats for pupils and students. GBOL organized a symposium on “DNA-barcoding and the future of biodiversity monitoring” on the initiative of Prof. Wägele on behalf of the Society for Biological Systematics (GfBS). Our keynote speaker was Prof. Mehrdad Hajibabaei from Canada, who described the successful path from DNA barcoding to metabarcoding and presented the latest ideas on metatranscriptomics and other innovations.
Our symposium was well attended and the many discussions give hope for new projects and cooperation!
NHM Praque visited GBOL Bonn
created on: 09.11.2016 | by: Matthias Geiger
End of October a delegation of the National History Museum Prague visited our GBOL project at Museum Koenig Bonn. Michal Tkoč, a flat-footed flies (Platypezidae) specialist and curator of Diptera, and scarab beetle (Scarabaeidae) specialist Dominik Vondráček are responsible for the entomology part of the recent Czech Barcoding Campaign. The project is funded by a grant of the Czech Ministry of Culture named “NAKI” (supporting of applied research and development focused on national identity and cultural heritage) DG16P02B038: “A methodology for the determination of zoological collection specimens on the basis of DNA analysis and the management of tissue samples collection”.
Granted with 600 000 € the project will focus mainly on different families of beetles and flies till the end of 2019 as well as on the members of other insect orders (e.g. Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera) and also vertebrates and other non-insect invertebrates. Special focus will be dedicated to species distributed in the Czech Republic and Middle Europe since these represent the most important and culturally valuable part of local collections. Additional goal is using barcode sequences to resolve determination and taxonomical problems as well as identification of new species from different groups of insect which are in the scope of their colleagues in National History Museum Prague.
During their two-day stay they got first hand insights of our established work-flows, policies, labor routines and technical equipment. Experts of the GBOL team showed all stations from the sample, over generating the barcode, ending in long-term storage as well as the scenes behind. Fruitful discussions illustrated optimization potential in the planned project.
We wish our Czech colleagues a good start with barcoding and looking forward to our collaboration!
New issue of the Barcoding Bulletin
created on: 05.10.2016 | by: Matthias Geiger
The current issue of the Barcode Bulletin newsletter contains four GBOL contributions – have fun reading!
GBOL Phase II portrait in GGBN Newsletter published
created on: 05.04.2016 | by: Matthias Geiger
Jonas Zimmermann and colleagues of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM) report about GBOL in the latest newsletter of the ‘Global Genome Biodiversity Network’ (GGBN). A particular focus is laid on the question of how to deal with eDNA from e.g. diatoms, i.e. DNA from environmental and mixed samples, and how it should best be stored and documented.
Click here to read the whole story.
No April-fool: New species of fungus gnat discovered in Bonn
created on: 04.04.2016 | by: Matthias Geiger
Björn Rulík (taxonomic coordinator at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig – Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity, Bonn) and Kai Heller (Citizen Scientist in GBOL, Quickborn) describe a new species of fungus gnat in the recently published edition of the Biodiversity Data Journal . Surprisingly, the animal has been discovered in the museum garden in the center of Bonn using an automated malaise trap for the efficient detection of biodiversity in the context of the GBOL project.
Click here directly to the article.
Click here for the data set in BOLD.
Holotype of Ctenosciara alexanderkoenigi
Happy New Year!
created on: 05.01.2016 | by: Matthias Geiger
The GBOL team wishes all collectors, colleagues and experts, which give us such great support all the best, happiness, satisfaction and health for 2016!
As the BMBF generously continues to fund GBOL we can continue to work together on the expansion of the reference library and also on many exciting applications of DNA barcoding. More on this will soon be available on our website.
Best wishes and many thanks for the support,
Matthias Geiger & GBOL team
BOLD v4 to come soon
created on: 29.09.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
As has been announced at the last iBOL 6 meeting in Guelph, the new version v4 of the Barcode of Life Datasystem will go online this month. Here (minute 26 onwards) you can seen what new features will be available to manage and analyse DNA barcodes.
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LifeScanner – How does it work?
created on: 09.09.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
A very nice demonstration of the principle of DNA Barcoding and citizen-scientists:
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