iBOL6 – 6th International Barcode of Life Conference
created on: 28.08.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
For the 6th time now last week (August 17 to 22 in 2015) experts came together from over 60 countries in order to learn about DNA barcoding and to present their results. Nearly 600 participants traveled to Guelph in Canada, and were very pleased with an excellently organized meeting on the campus of the University of Guelph ( In seven parallel sessions all conceivable aspects and present and future applications of DNA barcoding were discussed and brought new alliances and project ideas on the way. GBOL was represented by Prof. Wägele and Dr. Geiger and videos of the presentations of the guest speakers are available on Youtube ( In addition, there are numerous impressions and feedback on Twitter ( to individual presentations.
BioBlitz in Müritz National Park during the GEO Biodiversity Day
created on: 16.06.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
Together with the National Park Müritz the GBOL1 team conducted a BioBlitz at the same time as the GEO main event at Burg Lenzen. The GBOL team from Museum Koenig gathered there with external taxon experts for a day in the core zone of the national park to collect material for the project. In the evening they began with the determination. From a similar BioBlitz in the previous year more than 500 species had been added to the reference database. We are curious about what is to come this year!
Also the local press was present, and already reported in the Nordkurier on Monday after the happening.
17th GEO-Biodiversity Day at Burg Lenzen
created on: 15.06.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
On June 13 in 2015, the 17th “GEO Biodiversity Day” took place. The main action was at Burg Lenzen, from where about 60 taxonomic experts went to the neighboring Hohen Garbe and Aland lowland between Wittenberge and Lenzen in the Elbe biosphere reserve. GBOL was represented with a short presentation and information-desk, and we were also able to add to the reference library a few species. We would like to thank the organizers GEO and BUND, but also of course all the dedicated volunteers and collectors. We are now looking forward to the results of the inventory and look forward to get further, expert-verified material to enhance our National Library of biodiversity.
Second GBOL1-Workshop at Museum Koenig
created on: 01.04.2015 | by: Matthias Geiger
On 27/28 March 2015, a two-day GBOL1 Workshop was co-hosted by ZFMK custodians and external taxon experts at the Museum Koenig. Beside several talks on the subject of “First GBOL results”, there were discussion groups about the barcode datasets already available, and a bigger discussion about sampling strategies and the future of GBOL. The passionate discussion around the sample reimbursement showed how important this aspect is for securing the motivation and level of contribution of the external experts. Only a continuation of the chosen strategy will ensure a nationwide coverage of the German fauna and flora.
Article about the GBOL Project published in the “Schwäbisches Tagblatt”
created on: 21.06.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
On 21 Jun 2014 an article entitled “Vielfalt soll in die Falle” (“Diversity should fall into the trap”) was published in the “Schwäbisches Tagblatt”. Lars Krogmann was interviewed explaining the chances of DNA barcoding for the inventory of biodiversity.,-In-Tuebingen-laeuft-ein-Teil-des-deutschen-Bar-Code-of-Life-Projekts-_arid,262475.html
Biospeleologic Excursion & Workshop in Franconian Switzerland
created on: 15.06.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
At the 54th annual meeting of the Verbande der Deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher (VdHK – the German Speleological Federation) in Waischenfeld, Upper Frankonia, (25 May to 1 Jun 2014), the GBOL associated project group “Subterranean Fauna“ introduced systematic colletion and determination of cave animals and the functioning and the benefits of DNA barcoding to persons interested in biospeleogy. The excursion to the cave Försterhöhle lasting several hours was fully booked, the tutorials in determination and the talk about the GBOL project the following day was very well-frequented. By this, new and enthusiastic people could be won for the “Subterraneaen Fauna” and the DNA barcoding in Upper Franconia.
Article about “Artenvielfalt auf dem Rückmarsch” (“The countermarch of biodiversity”) referring to GBOL
created on: 01.06.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
In May 2014, Dr Florian Leese, leeder of the project “GeneStream“ (GBOL associated), reports in an article of the RUB science magazine “Rubin” about how environmental stress threats life in flowing waters. (PDF)
New publication: German herpetofauna assessed
created on: 07.05.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
Oliver Hawlitschek and colleagues present their results of an extensive DNA barcoding study on the German herpetofauna in the journal ‘Molecular Ecology Resources’. All currently as native for Germany listed amphibians (20 species) and reptiles (13 species), and some other potentially invasive species were included in the analyses. From a total of 248 animals DNA barcodes were generated, and most individuals belong to species that are strictly protected in Germany and at European level. Almost 100% of the species can be unambiguously determined by their DNA barcodes. In addition to reliable species identification for all life stages, the database will allow the detection of allochthonous lineages and monitoring of gene flow, and forms the basis for future, non-invasive studies using Metabarcoding approaches.
Barcoding of German Arachnids
created on: 01.05.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
Call to participate in GBOL – the Arachnologiesche Gesellschaft e.V. (AraGes), the Society for Arachnology, published a call towards her experts in order to help to establish a complete DNA barcode library for all German spider species. A definite list of lacking species helps the experts to look out specifically for species found only in very few occasions or not found at all.
Article about GBOL1 Workshop in iBOL Newsletter
created on: 01.04.2014 | by: Matthias Geiger
In March 2014 an article about the GBOL1 Workshop at the ZFMK in Bonn was published in the iBOL Barcode Bulletin (International Barcode of Life) “Vol. 5, No.1 – 3.2014” on page 17! (PDF)