Benefits of a GBOL participation
The active participation in GBOL offers the following benefits to taxon experts:

- Free access to sequences and metadata in the BOLD database. GBOL partners can use the analytical tools of BOLD to solve taxonomic questions.
- Comprehensive intraspecific sequence coverage (˃ 10 individuals per species) is available on request for species with an interesting taxonomy
- Possibility of co-authorship in joint publications with GBOL members.
- Reliable and experienced citizen scientists will receive an expert certification as an official GBOL partner.
- GBOL partners should follow the species and nature protection laws during fieldwork. GBOL supports their partners in obtaining collection permits.
- Visualization of citizen scientist´s contributions on the GBOL-website
- Building DNA, voucher and tissue collections of local biodiversity.
- Payment of a standard allowance for usefully collected and identified material.